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Get Ready for a Summer with Marian!

Join in on the fun with Marian’s Math Mini-Games and keep the math momentum going all summer long! We’ve teamed up with renowned educator Marian Small to give parents/caregivers and teachers engaging and interactive math activities that are perfect for kids from Kindergarten to Grade 9. Whether you’re at home, on the go, or soaking up the sun, our specially curated activities are designed to make math fun and accessible wherever you are. Say goodbye to the summer slide and hello to a season filled with mathematical excitement! Get ready to help your students or kids rev up their skills and embark on a summer adventure that’s equal parts fun and educational. Let’s make this summer count, one equation at a time!


To play this game in pairs or small groups, each player needs a number cube, a dot cube, and a set of counters. Begin by having each player roll their number cube, which will determine their starting number. Next, roll the dot cube and add the number of dots to the number on the number cube. The player with the highest total takes one counter. Continue playing rounds, with the player with the greatest total in each round collecting a counter. The first player to collect five counters wins the game.

Materials Needed

  • Number cube
  • Dot cube
  • Counters

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Greatest Decimal

To play the Greatest Decimal Challenge, you’ll need a set of Digit Cards (0–9) and Greatest Decimal Placemats. This game can be played with a partner or in a small group. Begin by shuffling the Digit Cards and placing them face down in a pile. Each player receives a Greatest Decimal Placemat. Players take turns drawing the top card from the pile and placing it in any blank space on their placemat, aiming to create the highest possible decimal number. Once a card is placed, it cannot be moved. This continues until all spaces on the placemats are filled. The player with the highest decimal number scores 1 point. Shuffle the cards and start a new round with a different player drawing the first card. The first player to score 5 points wins the game. For variations, you can use a number roller instead of cards, aim for the lowest decimal number to score points, or play for a set time period, with the player having the most points at the end winning.

Materials Needed for Greatest Decimal

In-Between Numbers

Play with a partner and have fun with numbers in this engaging game! Each player shuffles their deck of cards and places it face down in a pile. To begin, each player draws the top six cards from their pile and arranges them in the order drawn to create a six-digit number. Next, each player draws the next six cards and arranges them to form the greatest number possible between the two initial numbers. If neither player can create an in-between number, they draw six more cards. If only one player can form an in-between number, that player wins the round. The player with the greater in-between number scores 1 point. The first player to reach 10 points wins the game. This game combines strategy and luck, making it an exciting challenge for everyone!

Materials Needed for In-Between Numbers:

  • In-Between Numbers Digit Cards, 4 sets of 0–9 per player
  • (Not necessary) PDF Download (Game from MathUP)

Rolling Fractions

“Rolling Fractions,” is an engaging game designed for pairs or small groups, perfect for practicing fraction skills in a fun way. Players take turns rolling two number cubes to create a fraction, using the smaller number as the numerator. Each fraction is then compared to 0, ½, and 1 to determine its value. Points are scored based on the fraction’s proximity to these benchmarks: 4 points if the fraction equals ½, 3 points if it’s between 0 and ½, 2 points if it’s between ½ and 1, and 1 point if it equals 1. The game continues until a player reaches 21 points. For a timed variation, players can compete to see who scores the most points within a set time limit, such as 10 minutes. This game combines math practice with strategic thinking, making learning fractions enjoyable and interactive.

Materials Needed for Rolling Fractions:

  • 2 number cubes
  • Fraction materials, such as fraction circles, fraction towers (optional)
  • (Not necessary) PDF Download (Game from MathUP)

Making 10

“Making 10” is an engaging game designed to provide students with additional opportunities to practice composing the number 10. To play, you will need a set of Making 10 cards, which you can print out for use. The game is best played in pairs, with the objective being the first player to choose a combination of cards that make exactly 10.
Start by placing one set of Making 10 cards face up in front of the players. Each player then selects one card and places it face up in front of them. Players take turns choosing new cards and adding the value to the total of their existing cards. The first player to reach a total of exactly 10 wins the game. If a player’s total exceeds 10, they must put back one card and choose a different one on their next turn. After a round is completed, players can start a new game, switching who goes first.
This game encourages mathematical thinking and strategic decision-making while reinforcing the concept of composing the number 10.

Materials Needed for Making 10:

Making 10 PDF Download (Game from MathUP)

Pattern Block Puzzle Quest

The Pattern Block Puzzle Quest is an engaging and educational game that leverages virtual pattern blocks to help children practice math skills in a fun and interactive way. In this game, players assign a specific value to the yellow pattern block, such as six or twelve, and then determine the values of the other blocks based on this initial value. The objective is to create designs that match specified value ranges, such as between 50 and 60 or 40 and 55, depending on the chosen numbers. As players build their designs, they practice addition, explore geometric shapes, and delve into fraction work, making it a multifaceted learning experience.

Materials Needed for Math Card Duel:

  1. Virtual Pattern Blocks
  2. Device with Internet Access
  3. Instructions for the Game
  4. Worksheet or Digital Form (Optional)
  5. Calculator (Optional)
  6. Paper and Pencil (Optional)

Math Card Duel

Math Card Duel is a fun and educational game designed to keep math skills sharp over the summer. To play, remove the face cards from a standard deck, leaving only the number cards. Each player draws two cards without looking and performs a math operation suited to their grade level, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. The player with the highest result wins the round and earns a point. Return the used cards to the bottom of the deck and continue drawing and calculating until one player reaches ten points. Math Card Duel is an engaging way for kids to practise math, either on their own or with others.

Materials Needed for Math Card Duel:

  1. A standard deck of playing cards (with face cards removed, leaving only the number cards)
  2. A flat surface to play on
  3. Paper and pencil (optional, for keeping score or performing calculations)


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