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Watch Doug Duff, Principal Instructional Leadership Coach, as he explores the transformative impact of instructional leadership on school-wide improvement. Drawing from his extensive national and international experience, Doug addresses key questions:

  • How do we use mathematics as the driver of whole-school improvement?
    • Strategies for integrating math into broader school improvement initiatives.
  • What are the key impact markers that enhance student achievement?
    • Identification and examination of markers for measurable student success and the evidence that will point to kids “getting it”. 
  • What shared understanding is necessary for strong instructional and assessment practices across the school?
    • Insights into fostering a collaborative environment for teaching and learning.

Currently, Doug Duff is a Principal Instructional Leadership Coach, working nationally and internationally with school districts on school improvement.  Recently, he was a Principal Coach with the Thames Valley District School Board in London, Ontario, Canada. During his 20 years as a principal and in various supervisory roles, he has been particularly interested in math education and school and district improvement. He has worked with a major Canadian publisher as a Senior Consultant, K–9 textbook author and an international presenter for Mathematics Leadership and Professional Learning.