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MATHUP Student
MathUP Student is an interactive digital resource designed by Marian Small as a companion to MathUP Classroom. It provides students with intentionally crafted practice questions and reteaching videos to help consolidate learning. It is currently available in English for Grades 1 to 9 in Ontario as an annual, digital classroom licence.
- Teachers can easily find everything in one place to supplement, revisit, reinforce, and consolidate math learning.
- Autoscorable skills practice questions for students in Grades 3–9 provides instant results to students and teachers. Teachers and administrators can see assessment for learning data to inform instructional decisions and provide feedback to parents/caregivers.
- Skill and concept questions for students in Grades 3–9 are intentionally written to elicit meaningful responses and provide teachers with valuable insights into student comprehension and the ability to apply concepts.
- Challenging concepts are reviewed in 200 videos recorded by Marian Small, which use approachable and student-friendly language and engaging visuals.
- Brainingcamp digital manipulatives help students visualize what they’re learning.
MathUP Student allows Grades 1–9 teachers to reteach and reinforce learning for all students. Students can also access the practice questions, videos, and virtual manipulatives at home, helping parents/caregivers participate in their child’s math learning. MathUP Student supports responsive and personalized learning in alignment with the Ontario math curriculum and meets the requirements for Ontario’s digital math funding.